Wednesday, December 17, 2014

And so we started a blog...

We've ALWAYS been interested in prepping for the worst.  We've never really been FULL ON preppers -- you know, the people you see on TV with elaborate bunkers, food stashes in the woods, giant bullet proof bug out vehicles, etc.  We're the kind of preppers who have emergency get-home packs with us at all times, try and make a conscious effort to have a reasonable stockpile of food, and Roddy has a decent stash of tools, knives, etc.  So I guess you could say we're more prepared than the average Joe, but nowhere near the people on that show Doomsday Preppers, (though I do think the hubs aspires to that in some way).

We recently moved onto Roddy's parent's 5 acres of land.  We have a lovely home of our own on one side of the land.  It's the best of both worlds, being really close to family, but still having our own space and privacy.

Roddy's mom and I have talked extensively about getting some chickens.  We've talked about it, but it just was never going to happen - we'd need a lot of things first, a secure coop for one thing! One day we decided to just make it happen, and we did.  We improvised and created a coop of sorts and went out and got ourselves some chickens and that was that.  Quite simple.

Then, I started thinking about growing our own food.  I've always had some kind of food stock pile - mostly grains, and long term shelf stable items, but the idea of growing our own food has always intrigued me.  So I ordered seeds, in winter, and started them indoors.

Reading up on chicken-keeping I started noticing how many people also have goats on their small farms.  That got me to thinking... Hmm... goats? I now truly understand what people mean when they say that chickens are a gateway animal!

We have deposits down on three lovely little Nigerian Dwarf goat does, even though we don't yet have anywhere for them to live.  But that's exactly how all of this has come together.  First we leap, and then we build our landing pad while flying through the air.

So now I guess we have a mini Homestead? I am not sure.  We're certainly backyard farmers. And here we are to share our adventures as beginner homesteader/backyard farmers/preppers?

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